January 2017

Homemade Pesto

I've always heard that pesto is fairly easy to make but haven't tried it. Deliciously Ella's version (https://deliciouslyella.com/brazil-nut-and-rocket-arugula-pesto/) with Brazil Nuts and Rocket seemed the perfect place to start as my current favourite recipe book! Before starting and reading the instructions I was a little concerned that my very cheap blender wouldn't make it through… Continue reading Homemade Pesto

January 2017

Homemade Falafels

Falafel day! A perfect, filling accompaniment to a salad, I love falafel! So when seeing Deliciously Ella had a homemade recipe I was very excited to give it a go. As well as this I was also able to use the Apple Purée I spoke about in my last post.  The recipe is described as… Continue reading Homemade Falafels